Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) are effective therapies used for severe asthma.
These medicines reduce the rate of severe attacks requiring oral corticosteroid tablets, and can improve other aspects of asthma control.
In Australia there are currently four of these MAbs approved for the treatment of patients with severe allergic or eosinophilic asthma, who despite optimised standard treatment remain uncontrolled. These therapies are given via subcutaneous injection in either a pre-filled syringe or pre-filled pen (Auto injector) at specific intervals between two, four and eight weekly depending on the product. They are generally very well tolerated, and most people using them are taught to self-administer. The medications are PBS funded and require authority scripts from an asthma specialist.
Because these medicines are effective, people using them often feel sufficiently well to travel. This requires some planning and in this article you will find guidance on how to manage, store and dispose of the medication and ensure there are no breaks in provision.