Before diagnosing a person with severe asthma it is important to consider if their symptoms may be due to another medical problem or complicating factors. They may also have symptoms due to poor treatment adherence or inhaler technique.
Before diagnosing a person with severe asthma it is important to consider if their symptoms may be due to another medical problem or complicating factors. They may also have symptoms due to poor treatment adherence or inhaler technique.
Before applying a diagnosis of severe asthma, it is important to recognise:
A profile of difficult to treat asthma patients referred to a Australian severe asthma clinic is available in (Radhakrishna et al. 2016)
Therefore, the first and most important questions to answer are:
The diagnostic process follows a simple schema, based on a thorough clinical assessment (not diagnostic tests).
The Centre of Excellence Severe Asthma has also developed a checklist to inform the diagnosis and characterisation of severe asthma in the clinic.
Note: Results of investigations may uncover causes of uncontrollable, asthma-like symptoms. These may occur in people with severe asthma, non-severe asthma or non-asthma conditions (e.g. bronchitis, bronchiectasis, obesity, rhinitis) and provide targets for treatment (i.e. treatable traits). Therefore, a multi-dimensional assessment is a useful approach to airways disease in general.
An algorithm to guide diagnosis and assessment in individuals with suspected severe asthma.
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